Thursday, April 18, 2013

Weight loss update & Favorite Snacks!

Weight loss update: I am now down 52.6 lbs, YAYY!! 

I have learned to incorporate different foods in my diet as I was getting used to eating the same boring foods and my body was getting too used to it. I am so happy that my body is responding and now continuing to lose more weight and the plateau is OVER!!! ::Does a happy dance::

Right now, I am trying to lose the access skin in my stomach and arms, ugh the dreaded bat wings!! :(. It is never easy changing your left, but it is for the best and I am ready for this full force!!

I am such a snack person, so I try to find higher fiber/filling snacks. My biggest crave is salty foods, I am such a chip addict. Luckily I have found better alternatives!! 

What is everyone's favorite snacks? I am always looking for new and fun foods!!

I have posted below my You Tube video of my favorite snacks, enjoy!

