Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The journey to a smaller size...

I know everyone says size is just a number and I agree, however....

Growing up, size meant everything. When I would see my friends in the junior stores buying size 2's, 4's 6's, I just could not fathom being so little and the admiration would just take over me. It was a B**** for me to find cute clothes in a size 18-20 when I was in high school. 

When I started losing weight I always dreamed of getting down to a size 16. This size was in most stores and not just in the plus size section. When I hit  it, I just wanted to be lower and lower. It was like an amazing high that I never wanted to be over!!

I have posted below some pics of me now. I am a size 12 now and slowly making my way to a size 10!!  I am finally getting lower in sizes and I LOVE IT!! To me, getting down to lower sizes is just another goal I never thought I would it. You can truly do anything you put your mind to!!!

  •  This is when I finally hit a size 12

  • This pic was taken yesterday when my size 12 shorts are too big!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Weight loss update & Favorite Snacks!

Weight loss update: I am now down 52.6 lbs, YAYY!! 

I have learned to incorporate different foods in my diet as I was getting used to eating the same boring foods and my body was getting too used to it. I am so happy that my body is responding and now continuing to lose more weight and the plateau is OVER!!! ::Does a happy dance::

Right now, I am trying to lose the access skin in my stomach and arms, ugh the dreaded bat wings!! :(. It is never easy changing your left, but it is for the best and I am ready for this full force!!

I am such a snack person, so I try to find higher fiber/filling snacks. My biggest crave is salty foods, I am such a chip addict. Luckily I have found better alternatives!! 

What is everyone's favorite snacks? I am always looking for new and fun foods!!

I have posted below my You Tube video of my favorite snacks, enjoy!



Friday, March 29, 2013

Keeping on track

I am SO excited to be on the right track. For a while I would lose a little then gain it right back. The issue? Not tracking and eating WAY too much on the weekends. I think I forgot that this is a lifestyle change and I cannot eat whatever I want, even if I have lost a good amount of weight.  Below are tips that have kept me on track and has worked for ME. Everyone's body is different and I am in no way shape or form a nutritionist/fitness expert haha!

  •   ALWAYS TRACK: For a while, I would track during the week then Saturday  and Sunday was a free for all, or as I called it "a cheat day" LOL.. I would eat whatever I wanted and as much. Come Monday, I would be shocked at how much I gained!! So always track what goes in your mouth as the scale doesn't lie, only you do.        
  •  STAY AWAY FROM TOO MANY CARBS: I know on Weight Watchers you can eat whatever you want and I definitely do, but sometimes you aren't going to see amazing results from high fat/ high carb foods. I was always eating bread or some form of rice with about every meal and for me, it was just not working with my body. I have learned that if I want bread for lunch, then I will not eat any carbs for breakfast. I am not the type to be at the gym 24/7 so foods that are high in carbs are tough for me to burn off quickly
  • ALWAYS EAT BREAKFAST: I always thought skipping a meal was going to make me lose SO much weight, haha WRONG! I would have lunch then would come home from work around 5:30 and raid the cabinets like it was my style! I think I would eat a good 10- 15 points prior to dinner. I always try to have a bigger breakfast because it really does set the tone for the day! I try to eat 6-8 points for breakfast. Eggs, oatmeal, lots of fruit, milk. I do try to stay away from cereal, I feel like it's empty carbs and it does not fill me up at all
  • WORK OUT: Well this is pretty self explanatory. This is more for people like me who HATE working out lol. Hate it!! The main work outs I do is Zumba. I have amazing teachers who are so intense and they are just beyond great! Always a great workout when you leave there sore! I also park far away when I go shopping. I think it's great to just stay active with whatever you do. At home when I  do laundry I jog down the stairs, just little silly things! I also love this app on my iPhone: it's called "Workouts" it is free and amazing! They have all different types of work out for all parts of your body and rane from 10 mins- 1 hour. If I cant Zumba or go to the gym I do little workouts at home in my little room as you do not need a lot of space, which is great!
  • STAY POSITIVE: If you are negative then you are destined to fail, easy as that. I didn't spend a few weeks gaining this weight and certainly won't take a few weeks to lose it! No matter how many days you gain, or just eat too much, you keep going because you are AMAZING. Unfortunately, there are some people in life that would love to see you fail, why give in. Just know it will be worth all of this blood sweat and tears and you WILL come out on top, you just need to believe in yourself.
 I hope this helps anyone who is having a tough time, or needs a little help. Again, I am NO expert. I am just sharing a few tips that work for me.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Weight Watchers Life: My weight loss journey

Since 2011 I have been on Weight Watchers and that came with lots of ups and downs through this weight loss journey. I knew I needed to lose weight, but always put it off. I enjoy food so much! It was a comfort to me and something I couldn't let go of.

As of 2011 I have lost 48lbs and still going. Over the past year I have been on a plateau of gaining a little and losing a little and maintaining. For me, that is quite amazing to not gain the weight back! As many of you who struggle with being overweight, you know how difficult it is to maintain a weight loss. It was not what I wanted, I wanted more of a loss and it was just not happening. Too many temptations I couldn't resist, too many "well I am maintaining, I deserve this giant piece of cake". Yes, you can eat whatever you want on Weight Watchers and that is what I love about it! I was abusing it way too much though.

I have now FINALLY learned how to control myself and slowly learning to not give in at every single temptation. I have more weight to lose and I need to give it my all! 

I am hoping to do more weight loss blogs as well as tips/ tricks and great food ideas!

*Here's to a healthy me!*

                                                    An amazing quote to live by <3

         Before & After: 2008- January 2013                      Me Currently: March 2013

                                                       **Foods I really Enjoy! **
                              Quick oats with Semi-sweet chips, banana & a little brown sugar

                     1/2C tuna with a slice of tomato on a lightly salted rice cake & 1/3 C Edamame

Homemade Oatmeal Pancakes! Oats, egg whites, vanilla extract, fat free cottage cheese. Amazing and so filling!!
